Router: Thomson Gateway TG782
Wireless Strength without repeater: 35%
PS3 with same distance: Speedtest around the same as with my ethernet connected computer.
Ok, I have always had Strict Nat because I had to use Linksys 45something with dd wrt installed as a Wireless Repeater since the range was not peripheric enough. My ISP gave me a new offer and they changed the Router to the Thomson Gateway TG785. Before it was a speedtouch. This one I configured everything and I gave all the devices to continue with the assigned IP address because in the speed touch they tended to get jumbled. I go to the xbox 360 I test the Windows Live connection and it says all clear, its cool.
Yesterday, I start playing Gears of War 2 and it lags. So I decided to reenable the wireless repeater. Strict Nat giving the router the port forwarding and the xbox too. I decide to take out the repeater and connect directly.
I enabled UPNP and Assign Xbox live to the XBOX 360. Strict Nat
UPNP not enabled and XBOX Live Assigned to XBOX 360. Strict Nat
UPNP enabled and XBOX LIVE not Set. Strict Nat
Turning Off everything, starting in sequence. Strict Nat
When I check the logs what I get is this: UPnP action 'AddPortMapping' from ip=##.#.#.## (Action failed)
I checked google but there is no mention of this, other than my ISP and the router may be Vista incompatible and thus there is no way around this.
I didn't saw any article talking or mentioning the UPNP issue. I am sorry if I didn't saw a post with this already.
Thank you for your help.