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.bat game

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Mr. cake

Mr. cake


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Does anyone have any .bat games they have made that they would like to share?

An example:

@echo off
color f0
@echo off
title Guessing Game Small Version 
set /A MyNumber="(%Random% %%1000) + 1"
set /A NumGuess=0
echo You have to guess a number in the range 1 to 1000
echo I will for each guess tell you if the number is to small
echo or to large				   
set /P Guess="Enter a number> "
set /A NumGuess+=1
if %Guess% EQU %MyNumber% goto :Winggs
if %Guess% LSS %MyNumber% echo Your number is to small
if %Guess% EQU 815 goto :winggs
if %Guess% GTR %MyNumber% echo Your number is to large
if /I %guess%==back goto :1
if %guess%==back goto :1
goto :Nextggs

echo Congratulations you guessed the numer in %NumGuess% tries
set /P Answer="Do you want to try again [y/n]> "
if [%Answer%]==[y] goto :startggs
if {%Answer%}=={n} goto :1

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Yes, but too large to post here, lol. Mostly lame adventure stories.. haha.

By the way, I guessed the number in one try... 815 hahaha..

Oops for you! :)

Edited by OpenOutcome, 05 June 2009 - 11:38 AM.

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Mr. cake

Mr. cake


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It goes to different numbers. :)
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Only if you DON'T choose 815 as your first try. If you choose anything else, it's random. Why is that?
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tyler kick you fase

tyler kick you fase


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It is not his It's Carbon Dudeoxide's from another forum.

Edited by tyler kick you fase, 05 June 2009 - 12:21 PM.

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    GeekU Admin

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This has the potential to be extremely dangerous, as someone could easily choose to post something malicious. Topic closed.
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