The story is a psychological thriller playing a little off the idea from the 1940s movie "gaslight". In this case, a woman's husband is "gaslighting" her, but not literally with gas lights. Instead, he's a doctor, scientist, or some such (not nailed down yet) and he's laced one of her cigarettes with radio-active iodine. He has some sort of device, electronic, I'm guessing, that he uses when he's around her to manipulate the activity level of the radio-active iodine which, in turn causes her to feel either tired and worn out if the radio-activity is elevated (since her thyroid isn't working right) or to "recover" and "feel better" by lowering the radio-activity level.
My question is this: What type of electronic device (small, ideally pocket-sized, or, if necessary, briefcase or backpack sized) could manipulate the activity of radio-active iodine in this way???
I came up with the idea after having this dream that people were walking around a woman causing her to "suffocate", well, in my dream I thought she was suffocating because she was holding her throat in obvious discomfort. I've been researching all day what, in the real world, could really make a scenario like this happen. I started with the biological symptoms which eventually took me to thyroid disease where, in turn, I read about radio-active iodine and my imagination just ran from there.
Also, assuming my story line takes me to this woman "triumphing", once she starts to get a clue about what's going on but is somehow still not sure who exactly is doing this to her, is there some device she could use to find out who has the device that is manipulating the radio-activity? Obviously potassium-iodide would fix her problem, at least that's what I've read. But, surely she'll want to know who her attacker is, right?
Anyway, thanks for any help you can offer.