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Trouble uninstalling MSN

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Okay, so I had a virus and I got it fixed, but I still am having issues and he sent me here. For a while my MSN was saying it can't login but web msn worked so it was acting like I had a firewall blocking it but I never did. I fully uninstalled it (or thought I did?) and tried to reinstall it, but when I try every time it says it is still there I just can't find it so it prevents me from installing. He says in my logs it still shows, so any help on where its hidden or how to fully delete it would be great.
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* Go to Control Panel
* Click on Add/Remove Programs
* Find Windows Live Messenger, or MSN Messenger on the list and left click it once
* Choose the Uninstall option on the top.

If it doesn't show up on that list, it is probably corrupted -
Your logs say it is still in c:\program files\Windows Live\Messenger. Have you tried opening it to see if it will work, or are you sure it's broken - so you're reinstalling it..? msnmsgr.exe is the actual program. Usually there is an uninstall service too.. Not sure what it's called, I don't use Windows Live so I can't check myself. :) Could be called uninstall.exe, probably starts with UN. If you can't find it, name the files in the c:\program files\Windows Live\Messenger folder, and I'll find it for you.
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Went to control panel, but its not there. This is all I got.

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No windows live or msn anywhere in the list. I'll look under program files now.

c:\program files\Windows Live\Messenger does not exist. I have a MSN messenger folder, but it is empty aside from Windows Photo Gallery sub folder.

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Also, one other issue. After getting my computer fixed here my sound stopped working last night. Not fully, but in IE and FireFox it doesn't play anything. When I click test or open up anything on windows media player there is sound. Not sure why youtube videos, myspace etc no longer plays sounds. Any ideas?
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