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FBI Computer Forensics Hard Drive Recovery Tool?

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I was reading an article online, and of course, as a geek, the title "FBI Computer Forensics" caught my eye.

A FBI lab in San Diego let the media in and allowed them to take some shots.

This image caught my eye. Notice the tool that is connected to the hard drive. What is that tool called? Is there even anything like this out in the market, or is just toys for the government?

I just found this interesting.
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As we all know, government always has something in advanced not available to the market. pictures are interesting.

I remember Internet history. :)

good if they really have the facility for harddrive recovery.

Thanks for a nice share.
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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http://www.digitalre...co.nz/Talon.htm google is your friend

also moved this to the proper area of the forum...not really about web development
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also moved this to the proper area of the forum...not really about web development

Did I really post this in Web Development? I thought that I had posted it in the Hardware, Components and Peripherals forum. Either way, thanks for moving this to the right place!
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Can I ask, what to you guys, will be a very stupid question? (I'm going to anyway.) If I threw my laptop into the bathtub would it be ruined beyond all recovery? I ask this because in movies (where all of my computing knowledge comes from) they always go through elaborate means to destroy their computers (like...making them explode somehow) and I've always wondered if that's really necessary. Would a bottle of water do the trick or would it just ruin the laptop?

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If I threw my laptop into the bathtub would it be ruined beyond all recovery?

You might find this read interesting.

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