I have F.E.A.R. the Plantinum Collection thingy (three games for the price of one, deal) I have been a extream fan of the F.E.A.R. Games and have gobbled up hours of fun from F.E.A.R. and the expansion, Extraction Point. When I turned to the last game of my Trio pack, I load the game, I get the opening CS, and about half a second of gameplay before my game crashes and attempts to take my whole computer with it. (Black screen of death, very scary, almost as bad as Alma, almost.) So, First I contact Warner Brother games, who tells me they don't deal with game problems and sends me to activision, after about 30 minites of applying to there site, I finaly reach the Support page, I tell them whats up, and they get me to send them a DxDiag, I do, and since my Chipset isnt the "Minimum required ya-da-ya-da" They cant help me, even though the first two games run like a dream.