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Cant seem to keep a continous highlight with mouse...

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Morbid Touch

Morbid Touch

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Hi, im new here but i feel this would be a great place to learn a few things and most hopefuly fix this irritating problem i've encountered. I can't seem to make a continous highlight with my mouse. For example on my desktop. I will left click (to begin highlighting bluebox) and when i begin to drag, sometimes i can make a fairly larg box before it stops and sometimes it's very small but it will mid way of highlighting create a bran new highlight. So the old highlight is gone and where my cursor was when it stoped , is where the new one begins. I can't organize files quick and effeciently because of this. If im moving folders, it will glitch up and then i have to search all the folders around to see what folder it put the other files/folders in. Im not sure what the problem is but i really hope someone can help.

P.S sorry for the lack of grammar and poor spelling. Just got off work and am quite tired.
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Morbid Touch

Morbid Touch

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bump. No one even replied to this problem.
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Hello there,

Sorry no one got to you before.

It would be nice to know what your computer is. Laptop or Desktop? I suspect laptop, as you said:

For example on my desktop

Could you post some specs? My first idea is that(if you are on a laptop) "tapping" is enabled, and your mouse pad is a bit touchy. It may think you are trying to "tap" or click, which would of course, ruin your highlighting. If it thinks you tapped again, it would start making another one I suppose.

First post some specs, so I can make some actual assumptions, and I'm sure we'll get this sorted :)

-Jason :)
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Thanks for your reply
Yes, it is a laptop HP Compaq, Vista HomeSp2. When I installed the latest two Updates that included SP3 caused enough challenges that i removed.after cking with some of the other incidents posted, I tried MozillaFirefox with less than wonderful results so also removed it. just mentioning that in case that might be a suggestion. The laptop is not even a yr old.. The desktop is 4 and laptop is 3.
I am not sure what other info you would like to receive from me. Let me know
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Hi there,

Could I get the model of your PC? Better yet, just download Everest from my signature below. Then:

Run everest
On the far left expand computer
Click on summary
Go to the top and click on report
click on quick report-summary
click on plain text.
copy the info to your next post.

There is no need to include anything below Debug PCI.

This occurred before or after the "latest two Updates that included SP3"?

Suggestion #1

Do you know if tapping is enabled? (test it by moving your mouse towards a link or icon, and double "tapping"(don't click) onto the mousepad) If it is, we can test my first theory.

(Firstly, I don't have a HP Compaq, so this isn't going to be completely the same. Send me some screenshots if you need)
Go to:

(in the search bar)Type: main.cpl
Click Enter.

On my toshiba laptop, there is an "Advanced" tab in the top right. Does yours have one? If not, it might be somewhere different.. Search around in Mouse Properties that anything that says "Tapping". Try to disable it if you find it. If you can't you might not have that option.

Suggestion #2

Go to:


(in the search bar)Type: devmgmt.msc
Click Enter.

First, look for any yellow exclamation marks (!) or red ex's (x). Report back if you find any.

Open "Mice and Other Pointing Devices".
Right click your touchpad.(Also give me the name if you can supply it)
Choose Properties.
In the Driver Tab, choose update driver. Make sure you are connected to the internet. Report back if it updated anything.

Suggestion #3

Do you have a PS2 or USB mouse you can try? Your laptop may have a plugin for a PS2 mouse, if so - borrow your desktop mouse and test it on the laptop. You will need to restart your laptop most likely. Any changes? Are you able to make a continuous blue box?

In your next post, I'll be looking for:

  • Everest Report
  • Any luck trying to "disable tapping"? Screenshots?
  • Any ! or x in Device Manager.
  • Mousepad name/type/model.
  • Able to update driver?
  • PS2 OR USB Mouse?

Hoping to hear from you ~

-Jason :)
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