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  • PipPipPip
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For a while now I've been trying to update my computer with the same two updates, KB951847 and KB967632, both fail every single time with error code 800B0100; however other updates are successful, it's just these two. I wrote to Microsoft support and their reply was to remove .NetFramework and reinstall, I did and I still received the error. I then was advised to use Microsoft Windows Installer Cleanup Utility which says it was successful but the installation still fails. I was then told to use .NET Framework Cleanup Tool which said was removed successfully but still did nothing. I can not seem to fix this issue and neither can Microsoft. They haven't replied to me in days and Im running out of ideas. I can not use many applications and its driving me crazy because I was better off before I sought help from Microsoft! Ive attached the error log from the .NetFramework installation. I just want to reinstall .Netframework so I can use my programs. I really appreciate the help. Thank you.Attached File  dd_dotnetfx35error.txt   16.14KB   531 downloads

Edited by Pianoman16, 08 July 2009 - 09:11 PM.

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