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Can't install IE8 or subsequent updates

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Glad you got your system working. I found that same BAT file last night, tried it and unfortunately it didn't resolve my issues.

I also tried the IE8 standalone installer, and got a very strange error 0x13371337
when trying to install.

Back to searching for me...
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Alright SP2 is installed. Again I did it outside of Win Update, only because I had already downloaded it and didn't feel like waiting.

Glad you got your system working. I found that same BAT file last night, tried it and unfortunately it didn't resolve my issues.

I also tried the IE8 standalone installer, and got a very strange error 0x13371337
when trying to install.

Back to searching for me...

Let me go back and check my history and see if I skipped over any of the things I did.

The bat file didn't originally work for me. However make sure you don't just run it. Right click it and Run it as an Administrator.

That's important or access will be denied from a handful of the files. Click the scroll bar on the side of the command prompt when it shows up and you can read what would normally flash by in an instant.
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Glad you got your system working. I found that same BAT file last night, tried it and unfortunately it didn't resolve my issues.

I also tried the IE8 standalone installer, and got a very strange error 0x13371337
when trying to install.

Back to searching for me...

Couldn't find anything. Try making that bat file I posted. There's a bunch of different BAT files out there to fix this problem and I tried most of them.

If not, than sorry I can't help.
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Thanks for your suggestions, unfortunately I'm still stuck.

I'm convinced something in my registry is corrupted, and I think I know what it is, just not sure how to fix it...

I've posted something on the Microsoft forums, and they seem unsure of my issue too.

I *think* what happened is I lost power in the middle of an update install awhile ago, and that might have caused to the problem.

Silly windows ;-)

Thanks for your help! I'll post back if I manage to figure out a way to fix this without a full reinstall of my OS. - haha -
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I finally figured out what was going on. It was indeed a corrupted registry entry.

The registry entry for the key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\ComponentDetect\x86_microsoft-windows-ie-setup-support_31bf3856ad364e35_0.0.0.0_none_e9aaaad1a6a385a4

contained, what was supposed to be a string value entry for:

unfortunately it was not of type "REG_SZ" but corrupted with a type of
0x40000001, which made it identify as a binary key.

I could not initially deleted/edit the key, so found some instructions elsewhere on how to reset the permissions on your registry through use of a Microsoft tool called: subinacl

After running that, I was able to rename the bad registry entry and add it back in manually, giving the appropriate string value.

Now I have been able to install IE8, so I think everything is resolved. Going to update to Service Pack 2 for Vista shortly.

Hopefully if anyone else encounters this problem, this post may help them resolve things.
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