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Question about Comptia A+

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    Math Nerd

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OK, so recently I have been reading up on CompTIA A+ certification. I'm not sure whether or not I want to take the exam, as it seems like quite a lot of studying to put in if I don't plan on pursuing a career as an IT Technician. I am starting university this fall studying Computer Science, and as of now I do plan on continuing towards a master's degree. Right now the school I'm interested in for graduate work is UC Berkeley.

Bottom line, is it worth all the studying to get the certification?

Thanks everyone :)

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the exam is a bit expensive. around 200 bucks. And you have to take two to get the certification. Essentials 601 and one of three others 602, 603, 604. I am not sure but i think you have to pay seperately or its one lump. In the long run it can be good to have. you have a larger job pool to pick from and are more valuable to a company. It is under 1000 pages so it does suck up a lot of time. I think its better just to bite the bullet and do it though.
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Cold Titanium

Cold Titanium

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I think it would probably be worth it. I have the Network+ cert, I will be taking A+ in the fall. My instructor said that at some places like HP, if two hopefuls have the exact same credentials on their resumes, but one person has Net+/A+ he will get hired over the other guy. He also told me, that if you can pass Net+ you can definitely pass A+. I say go for it :) Plus, having an extra certification certainly will not hurt. And the hardware knowledge you gain from having A+ will make you even more adaptable to what ever scenarios are thrown at you.

Edited by Cold Titanium, 21 July 2009 - 03:45 PM.

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    The hippie freak computer geek

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The COMPTia A+ certificate demonstrates that you have the knowledge of some one with no formal education who has worked as a technician for six months.
While it is nice to have (I have it), and demonstrates that you do have ability, I would recommend that you focus on your college studies for the time being.
Employers will want more than just the A+ certificate (I would not hire some one who only has the A+) so you should also check out Microsoft and Cisco certifications.
But do not neglect your school work. (I would look at certifications more than Diplomas and some real experiance is important as well)
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    Math Nerd

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Thanks for everyone's replies. University is definitely my main focus, tuition for university costs much more than a CompTIA A+ study guide :) This is just something that interests me on the side. I think that in my spare time I will continue to study for it, as it is just another thing to add to the resume. If I feel like I don't have the time to continue studying when school starts (early September, if I haven't even already taken the test), then I will just be happy with the knowledge I have gained by studying. Next week I am going to be on holidays, and I plan on spending a good amount of time looking through the book and learning all the important details.

Thanks again for your input guys, I knew I could count on GTG :)

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I'm going to be studying A+ and then after that I'm going for the Cert in Cisco.

They force feed everyone Windows Office.
And I recently found out I don't need to get a cert in that.

But none the less its annoying.
After I get certified in Cisco and A+ do you think it would be wise to go for C++ Just to be on the safe side?
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