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No Wireless

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I reset my computer to factory setting because im selling it. When I got on after resetting it the wireless isnt there. When I go to network connections it only gives me the Local Area opption. What can i do to get the program back?
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Good day,

I take it this is on a laptop (Same steps will apply to a desktop to thought)

*If this is on a laptop make sure that the switch (if it has one) is turened on for the wireless and if it is in a desktop make sure that the wireless card is inserted all the way in to the slot.

Can you please give me the make and model of the pc or laptop.

You can try theses steps:
1. Hook up a ethernet cord to your pc and in to the modem/router/wall (what ever you have)
2. Either find the driver manually or in my opion windows update dose a fine job
3. Launch Windows up from the start button -> all programs-> windows update
4. When windows update loads look on the left hand middle of the page for Hardware
5. Click on that and check the box and hit install updates
6. After this is done restart your pc and try the wireless

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The computer is an IBM Lenovo ThinkPad T60, and it has windows XP. I did just like you said and still I open network connections and i have no option to search for wireless. The switch on the computer for wireless is on. Any other ideas?
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How did you reset to factory settings?
Did you reinstall from a recovery partition/ recovery CD's, or from a XP OEM/retail CD?

go to start....run....and type in devmgmt.msc and hit ok.
Do you have any unrecognised drivers or devices?
Any ? or !
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