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32bit vs 64 bit

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I want to invest in windows 7 but in 64 bit instead of 32 bit. I have been running XP 32 bit and want to know from the experts if I will have a big problem with drive support and software support?

My System

AMD 6000x2
EVGA 8600 Gt
3 gigs Kingston 6400 DDR2
2 DVD Burners /LG and song
coolermaster case
WD 500 gig sata HD
Asus M2N SLI deluxe ( Love this stable Board)
Audigy2 5.1
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Neil Jones

Neil Jones

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Windows 7 will have 32-bit and 64-bit on the disk so it doesn't matter what you buy, and you can use either.
The majority of software should work in a 64-bit environment, the general rule of thumb says the older the software, the more likely it won't work.
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So I will have a choice after buying my version of Win 7 of installing 32 or 64 bit?
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