I am involved in an embedded systems project, and the project requires me to install a Linux distribution in my computer. My supervisor had urged us to install Redhat Fedora 4 as the tools (I need to use uCLinux development tools in my project) we will be using in our embedded systems project have been tested to work fine in Fedora 4.
I have never tried any other operating systems besides Windows and now i need to install Fedora 4 with a dual boot option in my computer. I have a Thinkpad laptop which is now installed with Windows XP.
I would be glad if someone can help me or guide me to install Fedora 4 with a dual boot option in my laptop.
I had searched the internet for step by step guides for the Linux installation but the information is too dispersed and the more i read on the internet, the more i get more confused.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you,