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Dual boot Problems <-- s!

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Hey everyone, in the past few weeks I found sollutions here on this forum, thats why i decided to join and expose my problem to you.

I know some of the issues I'll mention have already been resolved like the grub error 22 thing. I am aware of this, except that it is closely related to my particular situation at the moment. Let me explain; and I thank you all for the help, you guys rock and roll.

My laptop is dual booting Vista with Ubuntu linux = worked fine with grub. Then I installed debian over ubuntu, but it crushed down to pieces the vista bootloader. and the debian boot process fails.

Clearly, I get a grub error 22, as if ubuntu was just deleted, and I cannot boot in any of the OS(vista/deb).

That would be fine if my Vista DVD would boot normally on start-up when inserted....
It doesnt. the F2 key (system utilities) the F11 (Recovery) and the traditional F8 won't do anything. I can still pay a visit to my bios though (Esc). My primary goal would be to re-build the MBR for Vista but I don"t see how am I to do this without the dvd booting, nor can I burn any cd from my old pentium 2 from which I wrote this post. I know this is a twisted f*ck. . .

Thanks In advances guys, I know you'll find something to help.
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