I have a Dell 32 bit vista, and the screen got up to the vista loading page(the bar at the bottom loading), then, the screen went grey and windows startup repair kicked in. Naturally, it failed.
Now, I also have access to the Geek Squad MRI Disc(which I ran)(Had to change to boot up on CD though). The test concluded that my Processor 2 Failed. Yay! Picture of the FAIL. Well, i tried doing some googling and it yielded no results. Oh, and forgot to mention, the Startup Repair said that the problem was(in the advanced logs); windows\syste32\drivers\httpex.sys . Again, I tried googling and no results(it is spelled properly).
On another website I was told to do a Vista System Recovery, which I was considering. But since its a processor failure, would it really make a difference? That's computer hardware, right? Also, if it would help, is this a good place to get it?. This is because my computer didn't come with a Vista disc, it was a Refurb and Dell sucks.
So yeah, my main question is anyway to save my computer? Or do I have to do a restart? And if none of the above will work, does anyone know if DELL is good at finding causes of system failures? Cause it was Malware and obviously my warranty wouldn't cover that. Thanks!