while in a recent church service a dvd was made for us of my husband preaching. it seems to be stored in 4 VOD files when I used windows explorer to view the files on the dvd
2 of the files will open for editing when imported, 2 will not however the entire dvd will play when inserted into the computer or dvd player.
I need the other two files to be able to open so I can edit bits and pieces from them as well...
Only movie program I have on the computer that I am aware of is Windows Movie Maker which I know is not the best but well you all know how money is...
How do I get these files to open for editing, or what do I need to do? as I said the other two open just fine, these two instead of playing once imported into movie maker only show a black screen as the little scroll bar is going across
I would love some advice and help on this...please????