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I can't boot in safe mode or normal mode and f8 isn't worki

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My computer won't find the windows vista operating system. It keeps prompting me to insert the installation disc and restart. Then to choose my language and click next.What follows is that I should be prompted to "repair your computer." I try to press safe mode or any of the modes and hit continue but it just sends me around in circles.It won't boot or show me how to get the repair screen. The only problem is that I can never get to that screen ( Repair your computer). I've gone to many sites and check out many forums and everything prompts me to try f8, so I have tried. The only thing that happens is that it goes back to the first screen I mentioned. If I click it too rapidely or hold it down it just makes this long beeping sound. I have tried everything I can think to try. I don't know what else to do. Can someone help me ?
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    Kraków my love :)

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If you have Vista DVD...


If you don't have Vista DVD...

1. Create Vista Recovery Disc.

Option 1:

Option 2:
Download Vista Recovery Disc iso image: http://neosmart.net/...-disc-download/
Burn it to CD, or DVD: http://neosmart.net/... to a CD or DVD

2. Boot from created disk.
At first screen click on Repair your computer:
Posted Image
This will bring you to a new screen where the repair process will look for all Windows Vista installations on your computer. When done you will be presented with the System Recovery Options dialog box:
Posted Image
After this, it will present you with a list of options including startup repair, system restore and command prompt:
Posted Image
Try System Restore, first.
If that doesn't work, try Startup Repair.
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