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Women in IT

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Just thought I'd open a discussion about this subject as apparently I've been put forward to have an interview regarding my position at work. Unfortunately it's not very common for women to work within IT departments in my country, especially not at a technician level.

What are people's thoughts on this?
Is it common where you live?

I wonder what questions I'm going to be asked.

Interesting :)
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I believe at my dads work, some of the people in the colleges IT department are women.
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    GeekU Admin

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Last I checked, I'm female, and I've worked in IT for years.
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Maybe its just a big deal in my country then... Hmm

Good on you Sari :)
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Sari... when was the last time you checked? Actually I don't want to know.

I'm sure there are IT girls out there, but I haven't seen any in my local area. (Which is a tiny piece of sugar dusting on the apple pie)
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Sari... when was the last time you checked? Actually I don't want to know.

:) :) :) :)
I'm going to hide now and wait for the Firestorm to pass.
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zorba the geek

zorba the geek


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WOW,I did'nt know that in New Zealand the woman are still supposed to stand in front of the kitchenstove,holding the baby in her arms,and preparing dinner for the babyrich family!!! :)
Now before you start throwing things at me,I'M ONLY JOKING :)
Maybe the reason for not having so many female IT tec's in you country,or everyone elses for that matter,is simply that many woman lack intrest (not knowledge)for this line of work!

Anyway,good luck with your interview!
And if needed,show them that you just as "geeky" than the next guy :)
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    Math Nerd

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I personally haven't come across many, but I think it's great that you are looking at the IT industry. Good luck in your interview :)
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Wonder why it's thought of as being uncommon?

I must admit though I know of more female consultants than technicians...maybe us males are to of putting :)
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WOW,I did'nt know that in New Zealand the woman are still supposed to stand in front of the kitchenstove,holding the baby in her arms,and preparing dinner for the babyrich family

Haha maybe not that extreme, but I do get quite a bit of attitude from certain males when I try help them with their computer problems. It's like I have to constantly prove that I'm not the receptionist. I think its the fact that I'm a young female, doesn't go down too well with some people I suppose.

It's all good fun eh :)
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You go girl! Tell 'em you're gonna fix it or they can stick it. :)
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Aha! I'd love to be able to say that to some people :)

I just occasionally charge them an additional arrogance fee :)
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    OT Moderator

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I think its just that men in general have that "I can fix it" attitude. I know a few women in that line of work in my area. But the thing that gets people every time is I have a close female friend that is a mechanic, and my guy friends will stand there looking at car problems for hours, even days before they let me call her.

good luck :)
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I'm female and I actually work for an IT company! I'm a c++ programmer...in my company there are lots of women...but we are always fewer than men.
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Roy: Oh Jen you don't know nothing about computers.
And one day you will do something or say something to prove to the world you don't know anything about computers.

Jen: What are you doing down there?

Moss: I was just wondering if you would like me to plug in your computer.
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