and i download adobe flash player at
flash player is required to run some programs and to play games and watch movie online
bet you all already know
i install it, update it and reboot
and it work properly, and the next time i reboot my computer, it won't work
well there's some programs that are can still running with flash player
but there's lot of trouble beside that, example:
i can watch movie online, but cannot play games online and open flash-player-based website
instant storm screensaver not work
and many more...
i already tried many things such as:
uninstall, reboot and reinstall
uninstall, reboot, reinstall and update
uninstall with adobe flash player uninstaller, reboot and reinstall
uninstall with adobe flash player uninstaller, reboot, reinstall and update
all of that above and delete the registry keys, reboot, reinstall and update
but none of them work

any ideas???
there's loads of people having this kind of problem

Edited by Bryan_Jovi, 10 September 2009 - 06:59 AM.