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So you don't get a virus from your computer - hehehe - nice!Wash your mouse every now and then.
Be sure to have the latest Antivirus software. It is easy to stay updated too, just surf around on the Internet and you will get some automatic pop-ups with "Free Antivirus Software". Click download and install it!
Use a smart search application like Bonzi Buddy for example. It makes your searching more effecient and hides your information from Internet Explorer and the government which is crucial for your privacy. It is the anonymous way to search.
Never, never, NEVER use short commandos. Short commandos might seem "cool" and time saving, but they are not. When using short commandos you are creating short cuts in the computer, short cuts which hackers very easily can infilitrate and use to gain access to your precious hard disk.
Be sure to have the latest Antivirus software. It is easy to stay updated too, just surf around on the Internet and you will get some automatic pop-ups with "Free Antivirus Software". Click download and install it!
Use a smart search application like Bonzi Buddy for example. It makes your searching more effecient and hides your information from Internet Explorer and the government which is crucial for your privacy. It is the anonymous way to search.
Edited by snowchick7669, 28 September 2009 - 04:36 PM.
Edited by Fish4Trout, 29 September 2009 - 08:35 AM.
Dear Mats (I make the answer in English since I have a big international audience. I hope that is ok.). If your computer is taken by the Dark Side (the devil, the evil, etc) and it only shows porn and play hard rock, I only have one suggestion: Put a mirror in front of it and open MS DOS. Then you write: "cd..." That will fix it!
Edited by Fish4Trout, 10 October 2009 - 08:40 AM.
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