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Hello everyone,

I am finally making business cards for myself, but for whatever reason, I am having trouble deciding on a title.

I have a B.S. in Computer Science and I mostly write Object-Oriented programs in C/C++/C#/Java. I also have a strong interest in making video games and I have played around with OpenGL and XNA. So, I have a card which looks something like:

<My Name>
Title <~~~What should go here???
C / C++ / C# (XNA) / Java / OpenGL
[email protected]

I could use some opinions on what I should put for the title:

Software Engineer?
Software Developer?
Application Developer?
Game Programmer?
Video Game Programmer?

Thanks in advance.

Edited by UV_Power, 30 September 2009 - 04:03 AM.

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    Je suis Napoléon!

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depends...are you a business oriented guy? are you marketing yourself with a strict level of professionalism and seriousness? or do you have a bit of a sense of humor and want that to come through when you hand out your card?

for the serious bent, i'd go for "software developer"....programmer suggests you can slap code together and make a program work...but it doesn't give any sense of creative thinking...developer suggests that you've got the goods to take a project from the ground up (i.e. come up with the concept then find a way to make the code work)..and i know you want to write games...but it's best not to limit yourself to one aspect of the business until you've got a steady paycheck

if you're more in line with a slight bit of funny:

Coding Ninja (i actually saw a job posting on monster once where this was the topic...the whole job post was awesome...some of the requirements included: Advanced knowledge of python, ajax, and .net, Extreme Bo staff skills, team work, ability to sneak stealthily in the night upon your unsuspecting victims)
Source Samurai
Grand Poobah of Glorious Programs (G.P.G.P.)
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    Math Nerd

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I would also go with software developer. Like dsenette said, if you put programmer on the card you might as well just put "typer" - it doesn't really imply that you can do much else. Since you have a BCS, I'm sure that you have had a lot of classes not only about programming software, but also about developing them and using logic behind your ideas. Hopefully that helps :)

(I'm actually studying towards my BCS right now, it's lots of fun :))

Also Coding Ninja, that is epic.
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Sounds good. I have decided to go with Software Developer.

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What a shame I'm too late...

I vote "MAX POWER" from your signature. :)
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