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Vista machine network connections

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  • PipPip
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Hey guys, hope you can help.

I have a vista computer that I am trying to get to work on my network. I have tried at 3 different locations (my house, friends house, and work) and I do not see any shared folders/computers. I connect to the network, i can access the internet but when i go to view computers and devices only thing I see is the wireless router. If i connect by doing \\IP ADDRESS to a computer on the network it works fine. If I try to do it by \\Computer Name it DOESNT see the computer.

If I hook this laptop up wired with a ethernet cable I can see all the computers on the network. I have tried making it a private network, category as home, disabled firewall/antivirus and none of that worked. I can ping the computers on network and connect by ip address but not by name. I do have Network Discovery maked as ON.

Any ideas? Thanks guys
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