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Harddrive keeps making the 'zzzzz' noise as if its powering do

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My computers harddrive seems to be messed up because randomly, the harddrive will slow down and make the noise it makes when you shut it down. Everything running on my computer freezes for about 20 seconds until it speeds up. What could be the problem? please help!!
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Neil Jones

Neil Jones

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Shouldn't be spinning down randomly.
I'd replace the drive.
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Shouldn't be spinning down randomly.
I'd replace the drive.

is there any way to fix this problem? I dont want to buy a 200dollar drive.
another thing is, i always have to run chkdsk in the command prompt because it seems to be messed up. I recently had a virus I got rid of
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Hey! Wassup?

I think I know your problem. I have had it too. For me, my computer made the ZZZZZ noise when I left it running with programs for too long. Or, when I didnt shut it down properly. Dont bother getting a new hard drive, just try to reboot using the DESKTOP SHUT DOWN (NOT THE DANG BUTTON ON THE COMPUTER ITSELF), or, if that doesnt work, just let it alone for a few hours. Worst comes worst, just try a System Restore. To do that, just go to Start --> Restore --> and select System Restore and follow instructions. If you need help, I believe there is a help topic on this site.

Even though I am 12, you should at least try my advice =).

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is there any way to fix this problem? I dont want to buy a 200dollar drive.

What size drive do you have that cost 200 dollars?
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is there any way to fix this problem? I dont want to buy a 200dollar drive.

What size drive do you have that cost 200 dollars?

how much do they cost now
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Hey! Wassup?

I think I know your problem. I have had it too. For me, my computer made the ZZZZZ noise when I left it running with programs for too long. Or, when I didnt shut it down properly. Dont bother getting a new hard drive, just try to reboot using the DESKTOP SHUT DOWN (NOT THE DANG BUTTON ON THE COMPUTER ITSELF), or, if that doesnt work, just let it alone for a few hours. Worst comes worst, just try a System Restore. To do that, just go to Start --> Restore --> and select System Restore and follow instructions. If you need help, I believe there is a help topic on this site.

Even though I am 12, you should at least try my advice =).


i think we do have the same problem. I will try that
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60.00 dollars for a 250 gig from Tigerdirect
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