Vista (64 bit)
AMD Phenom x4 9100e 1.6GHz
ATI Radeon x1950 Pro
4 Gb RAM
Power supply was from another pc i had that i didnt use anymore, same wattage just had the 6 pin PCIe connector i needed, the one currently in it is the stock one that came with the tower.
no clue what to do, F1, F2, ESC, DEL keys dont work to get to BIOS, the only responses i get are CTRL+ALT+DEL kind of restarts i think, my monitor goes to standby when i do it for a brief period of time but then fans kick on again and same black screen.
also when i hit the pause/break key it stops the beeping that is coming from the mobo. *note* if i hit the key during the beep then its continuous noise.
anyone have any advice?? any would be appreciated!!
*Edit - just to clarify, i get zero load up of anything, there is no loading screen prior to the black with blinking cursor, as soon as power is on it immediately goes to this screen.
*Edit - again i forgot to put that the 6 pin PCIe connector needed for the x1950 pro is non existant in the new PSU and i havent gotten an adaptor yet for it. dont know if that would be the reason i cant boot BIOS or windows. the original graphics card was onboard and when installing the driver for radeon it said to disable the driver for the onboard card to ensure that the radeon worked properlly....
Edited by Havoc021, 12 October 2009 - 05:30 PM.