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Chemistry related question...

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Hi everybody...

I was wondering if someone out there that knows a thing or two about chemistry could help me out...

My question for right now is:

Is there a inert gas (in a gas state) that conducts current?

I have any idea, and I'm having a hard time figuring this out...

Thank you for any replies
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Major Payne

Major Payne

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Thought all the Noble gases like Neon conducted currents.
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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any gas can conduct electricity....if the voltage is high enough (i.e. lightning)
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    OT Moderator

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is this related to school work?
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No Bhowett...
It is not school work...
the only schooling I'm in is Geek u

and the school of life... lol

I'm a thinker and I think alot...

I have thought up something hat I would like to "addon" in a specific industry
That is not currently developed...

I'm always that person that has a great Idea and the next day it hits the market or just got patented...

I was never good in science or chemistry, I only know so much, just looking for individuals with a little more knowledge about the periodic table and the "abilities" of some elements

I already have some ideas to test my theroies just wanted to see if I could get some of the basics "before I blow myself up... :) popcorn for the show anyone?

Thank you for the thought so far...
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    OT Moderator

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I already have some ideas to test my theroies just wanted to see if I could get some of the basics "before I blow myself up...

make sure you record it so we can all see :)
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A good one to record is Pepsi and Mentos :)
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