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Help finding DVD-R Disc manufacturer

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I've been having difficulty finding a DVD-R 0r DVD+R disc that my computers burner drive will accept, I think it is on it's way out. I was using a disc make called "emotion" which it was o.k with, but then the cheap pound shop that I got them from decided to stop stocking the white "emotion" disc, and stock the grey ones instead, but these unfortunately dont agree with my burner drive. I've tried searching the net for the manufacturer of "emotion dvd-r or dvd+ discs but cannot find them. Does anyone know who the manufacturer of these discs are, or where I can get them within the u.k.
I have spent a fortune trying to find a compatable DVD-R or DVD+R, without any joy, up to press only the white "emotion" discs work.
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Assuming its a desktop, I believe it is time to replace the drive.b Especially when it acts the way it is.
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