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Xbox 360 / PC Media Sharing Issues (WMP/TVersity)

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Just recently it just stopped working, i really cant tell exactly what did it but i tried a restorepoint a week back or so when i now it was working.

I can ping the xbox and i do get a reply.. But the xbox shows "Pc not listed" and the xbox does not show up in WMP11 sharing.

For WMP ive tried cleansing the DRM - no go.

I've disabled every possible firewall that might be in the way - no go.
I've checked and double-checked that the services needed are running.. restarted them (a few times) just to be sure.

I started up my laptop and started the sharing service there but didnt see the xbox there either.

Xbox live works without a problem.

Hmm dont know what else to list but i do think ive tried most of it.

Think i just need some perspective on this, starting to get on my nervs ^^

Anyone got some ideas?

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