Something you could do before in enrolling in a class is to sit in on a class to see if the
teacher/subject/method appeals to you? I have done this many times. I don't have a college
degree, but I have sat in classes, and then taken a few (never for a degree, but for what
that specific class had to offer). I actually found that the community college often had a
teacher/method that appealed to me more. Find out if it is permissible to sit as a guest in
a class before enrolling/committing your money and time to the session.
I am not a fan of the prescribed learning curriculum for a degree IF that curriculum includes
classes/teachers that don't really add to your knowledge/experience in a worthwhile way.
I custom tailored my learning because it made sense to me. I am however finding that it is
difficult to be recognized for my knowledge and experience without that degree; especially
in a new city where my references and work are less known.
What is ironic is that the letters at the end of your name can mean a better job, but may not land
you the job that those letters were meant to. There is an Olive Garden where every employee either
has a college degree or is about to get one. No one studied food service in college, I would wager.
Their degree did however help to secure them a job over those who did not have college experience,
even if some of those applicants had more food service experience. The reasoning of one manager
is that someone who can earn a degree can learn and follow thru; experience does not always make
a good employee (especially if they are slow to learn a new way of doing a familiar task). At the
least, it might help or make the difference between your being considered or not for a job if the
market is abundant with overqualified seekers. Hopefully you won't be seeking food service jobs in
lieu of what you want to do and have invested time and money in learning to do.
My advice may or may not apply to you as my main feilds of study have been mostly in childcare and
health and dance... BUT I have sat in on some college science/tech classes, so perhaps you can too?
Edited by NomDeKeyz, 31 October 2009 - 05:32 AM.