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This is weird! I don't know what is wrong with my tracker...

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Hi everyone! When I was analyzing my referals, I got these links from Geek-to-go. I don't know what is going on. But, when I clicked on the link to see what it was, the links become broken.
Well... I am just curious and I would like to know these broken links...

"The error returned was:
Sorry, the link that brought you to this page seems to be out of date or broken."


P.S. If the admin can pin - point me to this post, I would be happy to take a look.
After that, I would like the admin to disable my account (after 3 days) and kick me out of this forum.

Thank you.

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    GeekU Admin

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That link is in a forum to which you have no access. Your site was referenced due to the dangerous and reckless manner in which you are using advanced malware removal tools and scripts and attempting to provide instructions for removing a specific infection. It is the opinion of the malware experts here that providing instructions like that is extremely dangerous for whoever may happen to read them and attempt to use them on their computer. Do you actually have any idea what those CFScripts do? Or did you just copy that information from some other site?

Also, we'll disable your account at our discretion if we feel that it is necessary. Is there any particular reason you feel we should allow you here for 3 days, if you don't intend to stay anyway?
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That link is in a forum to which you have no access. Your site was referenced due to the dangerous and reckless manner in which you are using advanced malware removal tools and scripts and attempting to provide instructions for removing a specific infection. It is the opinion of the malware experts here that providing instructions like that is extremely dangerous for whoever may happen to read them and attempt to use them on their computer. Do you actually have any idea what those CFScripts do? Or did you just copy that information from some other site?

Also, we'll disable your account at our discretion if we feel that it is necessary. Is there any particular reason you feel we should allow you here for 3 days, if you don't intend to stay anyway?

To be honest with you, these malware removal was tested by me and I've used it to remove the main infection.
These CFScript was created by me and they are use to remove these infection.

All Articles and codings was created by me. They are also tested in a virtual enviroment. So, again... there is no harm. IF the user read my articles carefully.

All instructions on my articles are properly planned.

Also, when you're saying this, you are really offending me. I created all these scripts and these removal to help the others. They are not reckless either. So, please understand.

"dangerous and reckless manner in which you are using advanced malware removal tools and scripts and attempting to provide instructions for removing a specific infection."

All of these instructions are also used in my workplace to repair the companies' server computer.

Thank you. But, please, I don't want to be offended.

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Here is proof.

I have a BA degree in computing. But, I am not going any further, in details. Its against my privacy.
Anyway, I've also looked in my records that I've fixed and repair many computers in 2003 -2009.

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I've blocked all Geekstogo.com users from accessing my site. This is because, the admin has refuse to sort out the problem or co-operate with me. Well... geekstogo could have been a little nicer towards me, I may join the team to help the others with the removal.

As you all know, you will get a 'forbidden' error when you click on my signature. But, it will work if you copy the link into the address bar.

That is all.

P.S. I've been repairing computers and remove infected files for nearly 6 years with a degree in computing. But, if the admin is a little angry towards me, fine...

BUT, it's the users / reader' choices. You cannot control them. They will decide what is best for their computer. Therefore, you cannot control anyone.

Thank you for your time.
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I've blocked all Geekstogo.com users from accessing my site.

I accessed it just fine. :)

Although I saw the spelling and grammar errors, so I closed the page pretty quickly. You put together a complex script like that but you can't spell? It sure is dangerous stuff what you're doing there, I wouldn't trust you near any of my machines. Perhaps you should apply to GeekU where you can learn to do it properly. :)
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I've blocked all Geekstogo.com users from accessing my site.

I accessed it just fine. :)

Although I saw the spelling and grammar errors, so I closed the page pretty quickly. You put together a complex script like that but you can't spell? It sure is dangerous stuff what you're doing there, I wouldn't trust you near any of my machines. Perhaps you should apply to GeekU where you can learn to do it properly. :)

Its because, I am busy. :)
I don't have time for the spelling and grammar and I am busy with my blog. I can only control 3 monitors in one session. So, does that clarify your issues?

Anyway, what's the benefit when I join GeekU? Can you post a link to the GeekU's post?


P.S. My head can construct complicated scripts. But, when I am in the forum, my head tends to get a little frustrated. Alright?

Edited by lair360, 06 November 2009 - 07:24 AM.

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Oh yeah... in my website, I have a plugin to sort out all of my spelling errors.
So, why don't you copy one of my articles and paste them into Microsoft Word? But, for the grammar mistakes... I wasn't born in the UK. I was born in Vietnam!

On the other hand, I've blocked GeeksToGo by referrer. So, when the user clicks on my Signature, it will immediately block the user from accessing my website. However, if the user copy my link and paste them into the address bar, then its not blocked. They can still access the information...
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Ok! I am in...

Thanks a lot.
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    GeekU Admin

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I've blocked all Geekstogo.com users from accessing my site. This is because, the admin has refuse to sort out the problem or co-operate with me. Well... geekstogo could have been a little nicer towards me, I may join the team to help the others with the removal.

Let me clarify some things here. First, there is no problem to sort out. That link goes to a forum to which you do not have access. There's really no need to cooperate with you.

To be honest with you, these malware removal was tested by me and I've used it to remove the main infection.
These CFScript was created by me and they are use to remove these infection.

Well, that's no endorsement. Based on what you have, I wouldn't say that you know much about CFScripts. Can you tell me what the Collect:: and DirLook:: commands do, and how they'll help a user following these instructions?

I have a BA degree in computing. But, I am not going any further, in details. Its against my privacy.
Anyway, I've also looked in my records that I've fixed and repair many computers in 2003 -2009.

I have a BA in "computing" as well, and a Master's Degree, and spent 8 years as a programmer. I'm unaware of any college program that teaches malware removal or includes detailed training on Combofix as part of its curriculum.

BUT, it's the users / reader' choices. You cannot control them. They will decide what is best for their computer. Therefore, you cannot control anyone.

Unfortunately, you're right - we can't control them. That's why we hate to see poor and potentially dangerous advice - will you take responsibility if someone follows your advice and can't use their computer anymore after that?

Its because, I am busy.
I don't have time for the spelling and grammar and I am busy with my blog. I can only control 3 monitors in one session. So, does that clarify your issues?

Wow, that's the poorest excuse I've ever heard. Blogs are written communication - I would think you would care about your grammar and spelling, as that's the way you're presenting yourself to the world. Poor grammar and spelling will lead many people to dismiss what you're writing as being not worthy of attention. Also, if you're going to be offering malware removal advice, then I would think grammar and spelling would be even more critical - a misspelled word could lead to the wrong files/folders being deleted, and poor grammar could cause your instructions to be followed incorrectly. Don't you think that's worth paying attention to?

I believe your intentions are good. All I'm trying to make you understand is that you're using a very powerful tool in Combofix, and creating general scripts like that to remove infections is very dangerous. You may have seen malware experts peform similar functions, but their instructions are based on analysis of OTL and Combofix logs, and tailored to that individual infection and PC.
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Well, that's no endorsement. Based on what you have, I wouldn't say that you know much about CFScripts. Can you tell me what the Collect:: and DirLook:: commands do, and how they'll help a user following these instructions?

Sari, just forget the junk that I've written. But, lets focus on this question. And also, I do control 3 monitor.
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    GeekU Admin

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Well, that is not exactly correct, but I'm going to close this topic because this is not the place to discuss those commands. You confirmed that you don't truly understand how to use CFscripts, so you really shouldn't be using them. The potential for harm is far too great.
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