I live 600 miles from a client that I maintaining computers for. I mainly use logmein for most of the things I need but I drive down to his place for physical maintenance about every 3 months or so.
Recently he had one of his computers hard drive fail. This computer being out of commission is not hindering his business to much but left to long can start to hurt his business. None of the 2 other guys there really know about computers but I need to get a new hard drive in there and get windows installed.
So. Does anyone thing that a windows installation can be done in a bart fashion where the operation system is loaded from the CD/DVD so that Logmein is installed in the system and somewhere in that cd/dvd is a folder for installing windows on the hard drive?
I have been trying to wrap my head around this and trying to see if there is a way for this to be done. All of the software (Windows) is legal its just how would I go about getting something like that done?
Finding a way to do this would be great and would solve me having to talk someone through installing a win XP install

Any thoughts?