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No network drives found.

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Hi All, - wondering if you can help.
I have Windows 7 installed on a new laptop that is connected (wired) to a small business LAN. I have several drives mapped to different areas of the network and can quite happily access all these areas so permissions and security are fine.
I am trying to install a TPS Client from one of my mapped drives. I can select the Run command and navigate to the drive\folder\setup.exe and run the install from there. The program asks for the name of the server - which I enter and then the installation says "No network drives found. Cannot continue. This does not happen on my XP laptops or workstations or on my W2000 laptops and workstations.

I have also tried to use the Control Panel "Get Programs" way of installing but no programs are listed in the network programs list.

What have I got configured incorrectly???

Hope someone out there can help me as it's so frustrating. Thanks guys!
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