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  • Member
  • PipPip
  • 18 posts
Geeks to Go,

I was wondering if there was a way for me to post a piece of expensive, quality language learning software to the internet, so that the members of my class can have access to it for free. First of all, is this legal? If not, are there any other options? With all of the budget cuts happening in universities, there are still people who are very interested in learning, and I would like make it easier by providing them with up-to-date language learning software, not the math-esque (too exact, formulaic, etc.) stuff they're having us use now.



Are there places on the internet where I can view, not download, just view, whole free versions of language learning software? Rosetta Stone is a particular interest.
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It's illegal as you said

a piece of expensive, quality language learning software

What you are asking is to allow others to pirate the software which is aginst GTG Terms of Use.

We here at GeeksToGo will not assist you with issues relating to copied, pirated, or in any other way stolen programs. It is a direct violation of our TOS (Terms Of Service) to offer any assistance in this matter.

Please pm a Moderator or Administrator with questions or ask for them to review this topic.
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    Global Moderator

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As rshaffer61 indicated. That will be against the Copyrights laws. I am closing the topic.
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