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OMG!! I just did the dumbest thing in the world. I was modifying the contrast on a picture that I'm using as a painting reference pic. It was a little too dark and I couldn't see some of the details so I opened the pic file in Microsoft Office picture Manager and pushed the contrast waaaay up ( my P.C is in japanese) then I accidentally clicked the "overwrite and save" button thinking it was the "rename file and save" by mistake. Now I've just realised that it was the only copy of that pic on my P.C and I don't have a backup!!!

Please tell me I can somehow reverse this stupidity and retrieve the original pic data. Because now all I have is this really terrible grainy pic. I need to restore the original and I'm halfway into this painting.......Man I could kick my own face in ATM!!.

Pleasepleaseplease help !! This is serious :)
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If you have overwritten it then I would say you have lost the original. :) :)

What format is the pic saved in?
You could try to copy the pic and then try to save it as a better format. Also you could try to copy it and try to resave it as the original format and see if that brings it back to what you had. :)
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If you have overwritten it then I would say you have lost the original. :) :)

What format is the pic saved in?
You could try to copy the pic and then try to save it as a better format. Also you could try to copy it and try to resave it as the original format and see if that brings it back to what you had. :)

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Is there absolutely no way the image isn't still somewhere on the hard drive??
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It might be in a temp file some place (but I doubt it).
If you know the name, you can do a search.

Your search would look like name.* where name is file name and * is the wild card to get all files with that name that end in any extension.


This is the extension after the file name. Such as bmp, tiff, jpec.
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