1. I don't need a massive TV, but I'd like a decent size.
2. I want to be able to hook it up to my computer for recording purposes and/or as a second monitor.
3. I'm hearing about 60hz vs. 120hz which is a huge difference in price. Is the 120 really worth it or will I still do well with a 60hz?
4. I'd like to have at least a bit of decent sound but I have speakers I can use too.
5. Of course, I want to be able to hook it up to any console (and my computer, as said).
6. I can't spend a huge fortune, but (yea, lol whatever) my mother said she'd go 50/50 with me as my Christmas gift for the TV. So I'm thinking... definitely no more then 600 dollars.
7. I prefer good solid name brands instead of "what the heck is this?" companies.
Any suggestions that you guys can give me so I know what to look for? Or even where to START? Thanks!