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Dual boot system back to single OS

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I am running Vista on my C: drive and Windows 7 Ultimate on the D: drive. I want to go back to a single OS using Windows 7 Ultimate.
Can I delete the C partition and have just have a single partition which would then become the "new" C running Windows 7? Also if this is possible will all file associations presently D be remapped to C?
I can live with 2 systems but I don't use Vista so I might as well regain some unused real estate.
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A good program to do this is GParted. You make a "Live CD" and boot to it. You just follow their instructions for resizing and deleting partitions. They've got excellent documentation for how to run the program as well.

And to your question on will everything mapped automatically go to the new drive. I do not believe this is possible for it to do. You will have to manually map everything to the C Drive.

-Sometimes Needs Help
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After trying to delete C: drive and a lot of false starts, restoring data and numerous reboots, I now have the following situation: I get the dual boot screen, select Windows 7 and hit "go" but Vista boots up. When I look at the properties of both drives it shows that C (Vista) is Simple, Basic, NTFS, Healthy (System, Boot, Page File, Active, Crash Dump, Primary Partition). D (Windows 7) is Simple, Basic, NTFS, Healthy (Primary Partition). I know the attributes are reversed but how can I get back to booting up Windows 7? I can always reinstall Windows 7 but there has to be a way to get back to my original configuration before I started this wild adventure!! HELP.
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try downloading easy BCD and checking your boot manager settings... (you can also edit it if needs be too!)
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Didn't know about easy BCD so I bit the bullet and started everything all over again. Didn't take as long as I thought it would so now everything is back in pretty good shape. Thanks for the help.
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ah thats a shame you had to restore, if you had easyBCD it would have been as simple as deleting the duplicate entry and renaming the "Vista" one to Win7 (i had this issue myself, ironically enough after restoring the MBR from easyBCD as the two bootloaders are basically the same, it just named it Vista for some reason....)

Edited by severedsolo, 30 November 2009 - 04:19 AM.

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