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Delete OEM Restore Partition?

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Hi, bought a Packard Bell computer, a while back, and like most of them it comes with a "restore partition" to reinstall Vista, however SINCE then, i have upgraded to Windows 7, and i want to create a NEW restore partition to reinstall Windows 7, without me having to dig out the disks, i know how to do this, but i would like to put it in the original restore partition, as it seems a little bit wasteful to have a 13GB partition im never going to use (it also refuses to restore from that partition now, so its a bit pointless)

a few notes:
1, i am fully aware of the dangers of deleting my restore partition, but as mentioned above its now obsolete and useless
2, all i need is a way to get into that partition and format it and access it, i know how to create the new restore partition

any help would be greatly appreciated
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just to let everyone know, iv figured it out, in case anyone else is interested this is how you do it:

open a elevated command prompt (right click>run as administrator)
type diskpart, then list disk, select disk (whatever the disk you want it usually 0)
type list partition then select partitin (again whatever partition the OEM one is in my case 0)
type delete partition /overide (or /override not sure of my spelling now)
the partition will become "unallocated space" in disk management, (i couldnt put it back with C:\ but i did manage to make a new volume from it which i used for my recovery partition)

nobody probably cares... but i like to share what it took me ages to figure out, if i can make it easier for the next person brilliant
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Thank you and I'm sure it will help someone in the future. Thank you for taking the time to share the fix with everyone.
Congratulations. :) for a successful resolution for your issue.
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