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Downgrading From Windows 7 Home to XP Pro SP3

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Vitamin J

Vitamin J

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So here my issue...

I recently bought an HP G60-506US Laptop on Black Friday. It came with windows 7. I run a small production company and do a lot of recording with my PC that uses XP Pro. I wanted a laptop so I could record when I play out. I have a Boss GS-10 that I record through that plugs in via USB. There currently aren't any drivers that support the GS-10 for windows 7. I've tried to contact Boss about the issue and got no response.
Win 7 is so new they don't even make a driver for my cell phone yet... don't have the time to wait for drivers so I want to downgrade to XP Pro cause I know it will work.
I have an empty Western Digital 120 GB SATA drive that I want to install XP on. I plan on keeping the original 160 gb HDD with win 7 for when they do finally make the drivers I need. I have an XP pro sp3 installation disk that I've used to install on various computers... never had a problem!
This time how ever I got a BSOD before I could install XP. I did some research and it seems that the XP disc can't read my SATA Drive. I read in a message board that I needed to switch my HDD setting in my Bios. I then found out that My laptop doesn't have that option. I then read about slipstreaming the SATA drivers into my XP disc using Nlite. I tried this and it seemed to work.
XP installed but when it went to boot I got the BSOD with the code
0x0000007B (0xBACCF528,0xC0000034,0x00000000,0x00000000). I can't run in Safe mode either. I'm completely stumpped on this one! The guys in the IT dept. @ work are stumpped as well! They had never even heard of slipstreaming! Doesn't say much about the company I work for! LOL! Anyone have a clue?
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Neil Jones

Neil Jones

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Realistically if there is no Win 7 driver support by now (the last one is dated 2004) there will never be any for your GS-10 so I wouldn't hold your breath.

The blue screen is generally caused because it's the wrong driver for the hard drive controller. The only place you'll get this from is HP and they have no XP driver for download for installation of XP onto that laptop. In fact there is effectively no driver support for XP on that laptop.
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Vitamin J

Vitamin J

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But I did get XP to install... It just wont run...
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Neil Jones

Neil Jones

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Installing and running are two different things.
What works for installing something doesn't necessarily mean it'll work with it.
It's kind of like having the keys for the car. Excellent, wonderful idea, etc, but useless if the battery's flat.
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Vitamin J

Vitamin J

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Thanks for the insight...

I picked up a copy of Vista Ultimate 64 last night and I'm installing it now. I know they make the drivers I need to record for Vista. I did however find a forum about the drivers for Win 7 and they said this:

We have sent a request for 64 bit VISTA/Windows 7 drivers to our corporate Roland/BOSS/Edirol headquarters in Japan.

At this time, we do not have any information regarding when, or if, they plan to release them.

So I'm still gonna keep my 160 HDD with Win 7 on it incase they do make the drivers... Thanks again! :)
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