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Hi, im new to geekstogo.com and i found the answer to my question on here, or so i thought... I recently bought call of duty 4 and installed it on my Compaq Presario (s4210nx) and after it completed i booted up the game but then a message appeared. "video card or driver doesn't support alpha blend, glow will be disabled and promptly shut off. i tried again still no luck. so i updated my graphic card drivers (NIVIDIA Ge force 5200 FX) and once again tried no luck. SO then i updated the Direct X to its most recent version and it still repeats the message. I have enough ram and space, my graphics card is lower then the requirements. But my brother has a laptop with a 4500 graphics card (which is far worse then mine) and the game plays just fine on his laptop.. i need answers so please if any one, ANYONE can answer and actually get me some results please help! sorry if i sound rude im just really P-O at my computer and really want to play COD :)
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