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numlock on logon

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my computer begins to boot, right after I reach the 'starting windows logo' and just before the actual logon screen, my numlock key pops on. HP said it was likely spyware of some sort, so I ran numerous scans: nothing. Then i googled it and found that it could be a BIOS setting, my bios type is AMI. I entered BIOS and found no setting for turning on/off the numlock key during boot. Then I read about registry keys that specify actions of these sorts: hkey, current use, control, keyboard, initialkyboardindicators. 0=off. The value is set at 0. So I'm wondering, am I missing something about my BIOS? an advanced settings screen I need to enter with a keystroke other than F10? I run pretty vigorous infection scans on my computer from numerous sources local and online. Kaspersky, Malware Bytes, IOBit Defender, and Microsoft Sec. Essentials namely. I don't know what is causing the numlock to turn on; can someone help me?
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Neil Jones

Neil Jones

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Um, this is normal behaviour for most desktop PCs, to have Numlock on by default.
It is a desktop machine, isn't it?
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