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Audio issue

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I own a Windows Vista 32bit gaming PC from Alienware that I bought a little over two years ago. I just recently bought a Hava HD wireless so I could stream over the internet on the Justin TV website.

Now when I used the Hava PC Player, I can hear sound no problem out of my headset, so that is not my issue.

What my issue is is that I can't seem to record any sound other then through my headset microphone. I don't want to do it this way because the quality is horrible and I don't want people hearing everything that is going on in my home.

Things I did to try and get this work are:

I made sure I enabled the Stereo Mix and made it default, this did not work for me, I know because the little bar and did not bounce up and down when I played sounds and I could not hear a thing when I tried to stream.

I also tried other devices in the sounds panel and no luck.

I downloaded a program called Virtual Audio Cable.. This also did not work for me. I've ran out of ideas and I need help.

Oh and by the way, I have realtek HD audio and I updated my drivers yesterday.
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