When choosing 1) Launch Startup Repair, the BSOD with the following information is displayed "STOP: c0000221 Unknown Hard Error \SystemRoot\System32\ntdll.dll
When choosing 2) Start Windows Normally, the same black screen returns with "Windows failed to start..."
I can use F8 to get to the Advanced Boot Options screen, with the following results. 1)Repair your computer returns BSOD with the following information "STOP: c0000221 Unknown Hard Error \SystemRoot\System32\ntdll.dll 2)Safe Mode returns "Windows failed to start..." screen but before this screen shows the boot process with the last displayed item being "\Windows\system32\drivers\crcdis.sys" 3) Last Known Good Configuration (advanced) returns "Windows failed to start..." screen 4) Start Windows Normally returns "Windows failed to start..." screen. I know there are several other options on the Advanced Boot Options screen but I am not comforatble with trying them without the guidance of someone more computer literate than me!
At various times, I will get a BSOD with more detailed technical information. The following are all examples of what I have seen. "***STOP: 0x0000007E (0xC0000005, 0x8174A17E, 0x80599A4C, 0x80599748) ***NETIO.sys - Address 8174A17E base at 8173D000, DateStamp 47919103" "***STOP: 0x0000007E (0xC000001D, 0x81776607, 0x805994BC, 0805991B8) ***wdf01000.sys - Address 81776607 base at 81774000, DateStamp 47919015"
Because of these errors I have tried the Dell Diagnostics from the CD provided with my computer. During the Memory Test everything passes except the XMATS32 TEST fails and states "Memory Compare Error,". While running the extended test within the Dell Diagnostics everything passes except for the following Error: "Error Code 5300:0119 Msg: Detected a failure while writing and reading video memory. Video mode Dh (3200x200x16) Address AFFF4h, expected to read 0h, but read 400h instead." This error continues for each video mode tested.
I know this is a lot of information, but I am not sure what info is needed in order to pinpoint the issue. I am willing to try to troubleshoot from home (with the help of someone here of course) but admit I do not have much experience with this, so please explain thoroughly if you are able to provide assistance! Thanks in advance for your help!
Also, my system information is located on my profile page...