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Windows 7 Changed my Router!

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I just bought a new computer. Came with Windows 7. I installed my PCI wireless card and once i started up the computer it automatically installed my pci card and everything. Which is nice, but when i was going through the setup wizard i thought i was naming our computer and putting a password on it. But actully i changed the Router name and Password for the router. How do i edit everything on the router from my computer?

When im connected to the Router. Router name isnt DLink anymore its my computers name. Just want to Change the router name back to Dlink and put no password on the router.

Edited by Aukake, 13 January 2010 - 02:35 PM.

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Hello Aukake...

Try resetting the router to factory defaults. On most DLink routers, the reset button is on the back side next to the power input (behind a small hole in the case) and is pressed using a small object like a straightened paperclip. Make sure that the unit is powered on while doing this...hold the button in for about 15 seconds.

Once it's reset, you can set it up any way you please.

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Ha thanks! so simple. Much Appreciated!
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Open any web browser and in the address bar type (do not type www)

This should take you to the setup and configuration pages for your D-Link router.
From their you can rename the router (SSID) and set all it's other options.

Edited by phillipcorcoran, 13 January 2010 - 03:03 PM.

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