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computer not playing DVDs properly

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First of all I am not sure if I have posted in the right area but I am chasing some help with my computer it won't play DVD's properly it will play them up to the start menu where you click play then nothing the screen goes black up until then the sound and picture are normal. All my drivers are up to date, I have had no viruses or other nasties,I have got a codec pack,I tried a few different players like VLC as well as the standard ones already on the computer, I am not trying to play burnt dvd's they are all shop bought. The computer will play movies off an external hard drive without a problem. It will play rip and burn cd's, I have tried just going around the start menu and playing from the first scene and it will play about half the movie then the screen goes funny like the scenes overlap then it freezes and then black. Thats all the info I can think of to try and get some help which would be awesome
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    Kraków my love :)

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It looks like you need new drive.
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