She needed help finding a mouse to "fix her computer" after talking to her she realized I knew a whole lot more about computers than she did... To make a long story short she asked me to give her lessons to teach her how to use the computer.
But also through talking to her I realized her computer was broke... House call here I come!!!
She asked me to come over "I did" I booted up windows to find out it was stuck in a boot\reboot cycle.
Anyways she paid me by the hour to fix it... It took a lot to get everything working properly to just get it through the bios properly...
I figured since this thread was essentially about getting paid for our work "at home" it would fit here.
My thoughts about house calls (Since I seem to have so many)
Some problems can be fixed in the first hour. So in the first hour one needs to recover "drive fees" and "labor fees"
So my thought is say for the 1st hour you charge say 40-50 bucks... Then after that drop to say 20 dollars per hour. What ever the problem is you fix it.
I believe that a house call should cost more because of 1 on 1 treatment. If I was at the shop I could work on more computers at the same time for example "chkdsk /r." It can take forever to complete If I'm at the customers house I'm at the mercy of the computer, and can't get any other work done...
I always dig dig and dig more to figure out a problem so I can fix it... Something that "our customers" haven't always figured out so I think just as Troy pointed out that we should get paid for our assistance. Even if we Google the fix
What do you guys think... How do you deal with house calls. Am I off track?
I just would love to have some input on this.
Have a good day guys.