Doesnt seem to matter what program I am typing in when these problems pop up. Right now I cant use the apostophe to go between the N and T in cant. I cant delete. I found a space between words in something already typed, copied it and have to paste it every time in between words. Mac G4 PowerBook, OS 10.4.11. Can not find connection to programs open or not. Probs in diff browsers and diff programs - even when typing in PhotoShop or PhotoMechanic. Sometimes I can sit and hold the Delete or Space Bar and it will finally clear up. Without doing anything sometimes it will clear up. Doesnt matter if puter on long or just turned on.
Any thoughts on what to check or what to do will be appreciated.
I am reaching for anything so I will throw this out. Great, right now it's typing clear! Minutes earlier it wasn't. I have not closed anything or changed anything. When I first got back to my computer I went to Activity Monitor - great, justwentbacktonotworkingright! In Activity Monitor I Forced Quit 'kernal task' and was able (now it's working again!) to get (and now its not!) to type info in a field in PhotoMechanic. It soon acted up again, I tried force quit on kernal task and it made no difference.
kernal task - messages rcvd - 106,342,637 Threads - 47 Ports - 2 Real Memory - 115.86 MB Virtual Memory - 1.03GB
Safari - 2,345,252 - 11 - 271 - 146.99 MB - 963.14MB
PhotoShop - 107,179 - 2 - 91 - 167.88 - 437.57
Photo Mechanic - 102.508 - 9 - 247 - 73.14 - 315.38
WindowServer - 2,011,323 - 2 - 287 - 42.14 - 243.86
Activity Monitor (these all low)
configd - 1,773,852 - 3 - 186 - 1.96 - 29.23
CPU usage - threads - 209 processes - 64 % User - 5 to 18 % % idle - 67 to 92%
System Memory - wired-138.74mb Active-715.36mb Inactive-582.52 Used-1.4gb Free-99.37mb VM size-7.24 Page in/outs 46326/775 and I think Total Memory is 1.50GB
Disk Activity - Read ins-51257 Writes out -67902 Data read-1.14gb Data written-1.38gb
Disk Usage - Space utilized (it's working again) 71.06GB Space free - 3.34GB
Network (stopped working) Packets in - 127,264 Packets out - 61,295 Data Rcvd -112.13MB Data sent - 10.18MB
Took me probably 30 minutes to get this last section typed so understand how DESPERATE I am!
* * * * * * *
Well, I get no response here so I try things and post here to see if anyone thinks maybe I am doing something right!
I have cleared up some space and now have 7.9GB free space but continue to have same issues.
Edited by bamakodaker, 01 February 2010 - 08:37 PM.