I tried convincing my friend that downloading things on p2p programs aren't worth the risk. Except I ended up getting backed into a corner... This is how the conversation went. I'm e31416i10 and I edited my friend's sn out.
(9:01:25 PM) xxxxxxxxx: the math textbook not on isohunt? =/
(9:07:02 PM) e31416i10: i don't use bittorrent anymore
(9:07:07 PM) xxxxxxxxx: oh
(9:07:19 PM) xxxxxxxxx: why not?
(9:11:43 PM) e31416i10: it just isn't worth the risk
(9:11:51 PM) xxxxxxxxx: ...risk?
(9:13:27 PM) e31416i10: ya
(9:14:03 PM) xxxxxxxxx: of what? 0.o
(9:14:31 PM) e31416i10: what do you think?
(9:15:08 PM) xxxxxxxxx: getting sued?
(9:16:06 PM) xxxxxxxxx: theres no possibility of that unless you're trying to download new/high demand music/movies/software, and even then you can minimize your risk
(9:16:58 PM) e31416i10: i wasn't talking about getting sued
(9:17:40 PM) xxxxxxxxx: ...
(9:17:42 PM) xxxxxxxxx: viruses?
(9:18:05 PM) e31416i10: ya
(9:19:02 PM) xxxxxxxxx: they're rare on more high-volume torrents from reputable trackers
(9:20:32 PM) e31416i10: rare. not nonexistant
(9:20:39 PM) xxxxxxxxx: well, those only occur on high demand media to begin with
(9:21:13 PM) xxxxxxxxx: no1s going to bother slipping an exploit into the pdf of a set theory textbook....
Any tips on what should I have said?