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I'm trying to convince a friend not to use p2p programs

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I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this topic...

I tried convincing my friend that downloading things on p2p programs aren't worth the risk. Except I ended up getting backed into a corner... This is how the conversation went. I'm e31416i10 and I edited my friend's sn out.

(9:01:25 PM) xxxxxxxxx: the math textbook not on isohunt? =/
(9:07:02 PM) e31416i10: i don't use bittorrent anymore
(9:07:07 PM) xxxxxxxxx: oh
(9:07:19 PM) xxxxxxxxx: why not?
(9:11:43 PM) e31416i10: it just isn't worth the risk
(9:11:51 PM) xxxxxxxxx: ...risk?
(9:13:27 PM) e31416i10: ya
(9:14:03 PM) xxxxxxxxx: of what? 0.o
(9:14:31 PM) e31416i10: what do you think?
(9:15:08 PM) xxxxxxxxx: getting sued?
(9:16:06 PM) xxxxxxxxx: theres no possibility of that unless you're trying to download new/high demand music/movies/software, and even then you can minimize your risk
(9:16:58 PM) e31416i10: i wasn't talking about getting sued
(9:17:40 PM) xxxxxxxxx: ...
(9:17:42 PM) xxxxxxxxx: viruses?
(9:18:05 PM) e31416i10: ya
(9:19:02 PM) xxxxxxxxx: they're rare on more high-volume torrents from reputable trackers
(9:20:32 PM) e31416i10: rare. not nonexistant
(9:20:39 PM) xxxxxxxxx: well, those only occur on high demand media to begin with
(9:21:13 PM) xxxxxxxxx: no1s going to bother slipping an exploit into the pdf of a set theory textbook....

Any tips on what should I have said?
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(9:21:13 PM) xxxxxxxxx: no1s going to bother slipping an exploit into the pdf of a set theory textbook....

Simplest answer I would believe is, "can it be proven clean?"

He doesn't know that no one would. In fact because it's one of those "oh no one ever would" scenarios the file is probably ridden with viruses. Beyond just the high demand high traffic bit torrent files, the ones that people still need (i.e. a math textbook), baddies would take the opportunity to fill the file up with nasties because he knows someone will need this file and it would be a great chance to track the virus at work by tracing your friends computer using a tracker and watching his creation spread whilst your friend does some math work......

Remember when you least expect it.......they do come
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By the way,

This coming from a retired pirate myself.....P2P is addicting, and what many pirates don't realize, is that while most of the time (and commonly you do get nasties) they can be cleaned fairly simple, but there can and will be a time when you get a nasty you cant fix, losing all your important data, and your computer.....Agreed risk not worth it, good for you
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