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Latop Bootup (Blue vertical lines)

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Hey there,

Today my laptop started doing some weird things,
It's started freezing with blue vertical lines when playing WoW or Dragon Age: Origins.
Then i had to hard reboot it but blue vertical lines appeared everywhere... It now refuses to bootup properly, without being in safe mode, always getting stuck at "Starting windows" with the logo that shines. (Still has the vertical blue stripes at this point) but even not in safe mode the black background with blue verical stripes are present...

Any clues? Ive tried the Startup Repair tool, last known good config, nothing seems to work...

One last thing is that my laptop's CD reader is broken so I can't even try formatting!

Thanks for any replies recieved!

Edit: took the image uploaded out since my friends said they just saw my computer screen and no blue lines.

Edited by punkpennyme, 02 February 2010 - 01:44 PM.

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