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Kill the ant

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    Miss Congeniality

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The good spirits of the wind gathered the ants ashes and lifted them upon high where he was re-incarnated only to be swept upwards further into the path of a low flying jet engine and chopped up like pate'.
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Do you believe that the lucky ant landed in the SuperGlue of a young boy's model airplane and he was glued back together. Too bad that when the glue hardened, it clogged his respiratory orifices, making it impossible to breathe; so he died.
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    Miss Congeniality

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Or at least he thought he was a "gonner" till he remembered that he was an ant, and ants take oxygen into their bodies through openings in the abdomen and the glue did not effect this area of his body. He scampered up onto his feet and ran as fast as he could straight into the path of a spider web and was pounced upon by the spider and wrapped up tightly for the spiders dinner.
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Magnificent Exploding Head

Magnificent Exploding Head


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However, the ant was still coated in the now-dryed glue. When the spider tried to inject the ant with it's venom, it was unable to bite through the glue "armor" & broke it's fangs! While the spider was busy calling the spider-dentist for an emergency appointment, the ant hurriedly freed himself from the web and ran away.

Unfortunately, a bird picked him up and, finding the ant distastful, dropped him straight into an open bottle of acetone! The acetone dissolved both the glue & the ant!
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Dark Player

Dark Player


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However, the ant only TOUCHED the acetone on THE SIDE OF THE BOTTLE, and only it only dissolved 1 leg part.

The Ant, now 1-leg-less, hurries to the ant-get-your-leg-back place... thingy, and MEETS THE SPIDER AGAIN! Turns out, the spider called the wrong place. The spider eats the ant and the ant gets split and half, and even if he survived, the parts would have been dissolved in the stomach.
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Magnificent Exploding Head

Magnificent Exploding Head


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Shortly after eating the ant, the spider was spotted by a high-school biology teacher. The teacher caught the spider and brought it to class for dissection.
When the teacher cut open the spider, he found the ant and glued his two halves back together. After having his body rejoined the ant awoke on the teacher's desk and used a sliver of wood & some leftover glue to fashion himself a peg-leg. Then, while the teacher was busy lecturing, the ant slipped off the desk & ran under the door into the hallway. The ant was quite famished after this ordeal & decided to head for the cafeteria.
Unfortunately, it was right then that the bell rang-- the lunch bell! Students stampeded out of the classrooms & the ant was trampled to death by hungry teenagers!
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The ant scurried out from beneath the Hogwarts students' trampling feet as quickly as his peg leg would allow him. Unfortunately, that was not fast enough to avoid being picked up off the floor by Draco Malfoy. Draco promptly deposited the ant in Hermione Granger's long hair. She screamed bloody murder, until Harry Potter disentangled the ant, flicked him onto a table, waved his magic wand, and cast a spell which disintegrated the ant.
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However, the spell missed Ant, and hit Ron Weasley. Ashamed to be responsible for the ginger boy's murder, Ant ran outside.

Where he was promptly run over by the Hogwarts train.
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since the Hogwart's train is magical and made up it didn't kill the ant. What killed the ant was the Napalm that gushed on him from above.
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FAKE napalm that is. Just tickled on the ant. Sadly, Harry Potty castedpoopface isjzh h. and that killed the ant.
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But then it was just a dream.
But when he went out that day, a boy stepped on him and ate him.
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The young Renfield was about to eat the Ant, when he suddenly remembered that he much prefers flies! ("The blood is the life, Mr. Renfield.") Having already had a substantial breakfast of flies that morning anyway, he flicked the Ant away. Renfield was standing on the subway platform at the time, so the Ant sailed across the open space above the tracks, landed on the third rail, and was electrocuted.
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ant is much power full raher than elephant.hehehe
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Lucky for the Ant, there was only 1st degree burns. But a train was running at full speed, unaware the ant was in it's tracks, paralyzed in shock...
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the train derailed killing billions because a nuke was in a cargo hold causing it to go off mistakening an attack for an accident everyone fires bombs at one another creating a nuclear apocolypse; because the ant is made out of steel because before this thread was made the ant was created by skynet so it could be undestructible. unfortunately the ant tripped and fell on it's back where it had an "off" switch
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