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failed to nobulate

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dell inspiron 6400 vista hit enter on launch startup repair it takes a while but does some wierd testing after it gets done it says failed to nobulate <nobnt> back to the manufacturing madia <a:> such that the software installed process cannot continue reliability. DO N REBOOT THIS SYSTEM FAIL THIS SYTEM TO EMR then it says press any key to continue i do dosnt do anything at the very top of the window it says x:\windows\system32\cmd.exe dont know what to do dont have the disk to restore the computer ive tryed bout every diagnostic there is
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Welcome to Geeks To Go!

This error seems to be unique to Dell systems and usually means that the recovery image on the hidden partition is damaged/corrupted.

From what I've read, the only remedy is to fully install Windows from scratch from another source.
Since you don't have any recovery discs you will need to contact Dell who should be able to supply them for a small charge.

Edited by phillipcorcoran, 08 February 2010 - 05:56 AM.

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