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cd driver stop working

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Hello everyone. i need help!!! some how my laptop will no longe read any cd's.i get an error code 19. and my cd driver is no longer in my computer. so now i cant burn or play cd's on my laptop. is there a fix for this problem? any help will be greatfull. :) im running windows 7.

Edited by nice101, 12 February 2010 - 02:43 AM.

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Welcome to Geeks To Go!

Please go to this Microsoft page which may help:

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Broni's canned speech:

One of these may help:
1. Uninstall the drive through Device Manager.
Restart computer. The drive will be automatically reinstalled.
2. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/314060
Restart computer.
3. Download, and run Restore Missing CD Drive patch
Double click on cdgone.zip to unzip it.
Right click on cdgone.reg, click Merge.
Accept registry merge.
Restart computer.
4. Go to Device Manager, click a "+" sign next to IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers.
You'll see two items:
- ATA Channel0 (or Primary Channel)
- ATA Channel1 (or Secondary Channel)
Right click on each of them, and click Uninstall. Confirm.
Restart Windows. They'll be automatically reinstalled.

Thank's to Broni for the instructions
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ok thank you rshaffer61 im going to try it now. will let you know how it turned out...
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i all ready tryed 2 of the things you said and it did not work in the past. so i tryed the the cdgone and it comes up in note pad and theres nothing to merg registry. is there any thing im doing wrong?
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The file you have downloaded, if executed, will modify your Windows Registry. Though
I would not have posted this file if I did not believe it safe, it is always prudent
to exercise some precautions. (Think of it as "safe sex and the single Registry.")
In brief: Never make changes to your Windows Registry without first backing it up.
In Windows 95, I recommend backing up using the utility ERU (Emergency Recovery
Utility) which is on your Win95 CD. Back up the Registry and other start files to a
folder on your hard drive for easy recovery in the event of a problem. In Windows
98, I also recommend using ERU if you have a copy from a Windows 95 CD (ERU isn't on
the Win98 CD). Otherwise, Win98 has its own backup utility called ScanReg, which can
be run from a Run box (click Start, then Run).


Besides this ReadMe file, there are probably two files in the ZIP or CAB file you
have just downloaded. One is the Registry file you requested. The other is a file
called EditReg.reg, which I recommend you launch -- but only after you know what it
Normally, when you click on a Registry file in Windows, this causes the contents of
that file to be merged into (made part of) your Windows Registry. This is how it
makes changes to your system. Many of us consider this to be a little risky, for
many reasons. For example, someone could give you a file maliciously designed to
alter your Registry in a way you don't want; or there could be honest and
unintentional problems, errors in the file, a mismatch to your version of Windows,
etc. You might want to examine the file before merging it. You might want to
download it and run a virus check on it. Things like that.
I have changed my own Windows system so that when I click on a REG file it does
*not* merge automatically into the Registry. Instead, it opens the file in Notepad
so I can read it (it's really just a text file in a particular format). To merge it
into the Registry, I have to right-click on the file's icon and select Merge from
the context menu that pops up. I recommend this change for everyone.
But whether to make the change is, of course, your own choice. You may not want the
change. Or you may. I recommend it.

This is what EditReg.reg does. An elegant little reg file by DTS MVP Frank Saunders,
it changes your Registry so that, in the future, clicking on a Registry file will
cause it to open in your default text editor. To merge the Registry file into your
Registry, you will need to right-click on it and select Merge.
If you want this feature, click the EditReg.reg icon now. Otherwise, don't.
The remainder of this zip or cab file is the Registry patch you requested.

James A. Eshelman
20 October 1999
(Last revised 1 August 2001)

Edited by peter99, 12 February 2010 - 10:37 AM.

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Right click on cdgone.reg, click Merge.
Accept registry merge.
Restart computer.
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I followed the instruction to the letter. and nothing is happens. when i right click i get nothing to merge. i also see that other people are having this same problem and most work out for them. and most of them have win xp or vista But i have win7 on an acer aspire 5515. it came with win vista basic.after having win 7 installed the cd-rom was working. hope this info helps in helping me. thinks. the only thing i get when i right click is cut,copy,delete

Edited by nice101, 12 February 2010 - 11:21 AM.

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OK then the options are:
Restore back before the issue started.
Try Last Known Good Configuration from the Advanced Boot Menu
Do a Repair Installation.

I would suggest trying the 2nd option first since this doesn't need and files to do it.
Reboot system and at the second black post screen start tapping F8
This will bring you to the Advance Boot Menu Options
Using your keyboard arrow keys scroll down and highlight Last Known Good Configuration and click [b]Enter
System should reboot from there.
Does this fix the issue?
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i did what you said and i still have the same problem. nothing seems to work...:)

Edited by nice101, 12 February 2010 - 06:00 PM.

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Did you try the suggestion that phillipcorcoran gave you in post #2? You may have to use the manual method, but it sure sounds like there are filters set on the optical drive.
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yes i did. but did not understand how that works.the merge part did'nt work

Edited by nice101, 12 February 2010 - 06:49 PM.

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Let's check for filters manually.

Click on the Start Orb. In the "Search programs and files" field at the bottom of the menu, type regedit...then click on the regedit link that appears at the top of the results. This will open Registry Editor.

In the left pane, expand (click +) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, then SYSTEM, then CurrentControlSet, then Control, then Class, and click on {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}

In the right pane, are UpperFilters and/or LowerFilters listed?
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how do i change the filters on theoptical drive?
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ok!! i got the right panal open and i see the filters. now what????
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